Through My Eyes: From Struggle To Joy
How do you overcome abuse, poverty, and depression to become a thriving success? One of Australia's most sought after transformational and leadership coaches, Deb Maes, shares her story.
"This book is a diamond. Much like natural diamonds are formed from intense heat and pressure Deb’s early years in a cult produced the intensity that forced her natural intuition and sensitivity inward. It took years for her to sparkle with the fire of life.
Today, with humble brilliance she reveals what has made her a transformative facilitator. Each chapter acts as a facet to display her unique sensitivity to our human condition. Her story sparkles with grace and love. She invites you to join her in a journey that embraces joy and sorrow, that navigates suffering and health, that honors trial and triumph. When I find something that radiates beauty as this book does I slow down, breathe more deeply, and absorb all I can.
"If the prospect of experiencing true authenticity appeals,
this book will speak to you."
Gene Early,
Author of Leadership Expectations:
How Executive Expectations are Created.
- Print length
- Publication date
17 July 2016

Silence: The Hidden Path to Success, Freedom & Happiness
This book points to modern science for the understanding of the ancient practise of silence, and shows how you can become an unshakeable island of calm amidst the storms, noise and challenges of life. With a collection of simple exercises in the latter part of the book, silence is an any-moment practise you can start right now.
- ISBN-10
- ISBN-13
- Print length
- Publication date
18 October 2020
Recommended Reading
- 3 Keys to Transforming Your Potential (An Accelerator's Guide to the CEO Within Book 1)
Dr Gene Early
- 15 commitment of conscious leadership
Jim Dethmer
- A Mind At Home With Itself
Byron Katie
- As a Man Thinketh
James Allen
- Becoming Supernatural
Dr. Joe Dispenza
- E-cubic
Pam Grout
- E-Squared
Pam Grout
- Loving What Is
Byron Katie
- Making the Impossible Possible
Bill Strickland
- mBraining: Using your multiple brains to do cool stuff
Grant soosalu and Marvin Oka
- NLP at Work 4th Edition
Sue Knight
- Psyco-cybernetics
Maxwell Maltz
- Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu translation
John Minford
- The Brain the Changes Itself
Norman Doidge
- The Kybalion
The Three Initiates
- The Leader's Guide to Impact: How to Use Soft Skills to Get Hard Results
Elisabet Vinberg Hearn and Mandy Flint
- Search Inside Yourself
Chade-Meng Tan